WD. CH. Astor Von Junipera

Rottweiler male, World Champion, Astor Von Junipera by Frozen semen exclusively at our Rottweiler kennel. He is one of the world famous Rottweiler males in the history of the breed and have mated over 1000 females in his life time. He has won the strongest “Intermediate” class at the International Federation of Rottweiler Friends (IFR) WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Show 2009 and later went on to become the IFR Champion of the world in 2010. The Rottweiler kennel, Von Junipera, was one of the first Serbian kennels to make name on the world stage, founded and owned by Tibor Gere who has an excellent reputation in the Rottweiler world and who later aspired to become a top Rottweiler specialist judge. Astor was later sold to one of today’s well known Croatian kennels, Von Der Alten Festung who is owned and operated by our good friends Vladimir Zec and his wife Lidija both who are Rottweilers specialist judges. Vladimir and Lidija to date have owned 3 of the biggest world champions in the history of the breed, Astor Von Junipera being one of them, and all of which we currently own semen of and whom we’re looking forward to use in our breeding program. Astor is known to produce beautiful heads, excellent bone, dark eyes, black mouth pigment, high driven temperaments and very athletic dogs.

At  Vanaheim Rottweilers we carefully select stud dogs and use them to compliment the right bitch they are put over.  This reiterates how important it is to us to plan all of our litters and ensure we move forward with our breeding program by producing pups that are superior to their parents.  An old breeder that is very knowledgable once told me, “if a pup is not an improvement on the mother or father it’s no point in keeping it in your kennel”.  We always on the lookout to source and acquire semen from the highest caliber dogs from kennels and breeders from all around the world all with a view to ensure we advance our kennel and bloodlines and sustain the future of our kennel and maintain our competitive edge in the ring. We do all of the above without sacrificing the importance of building and maintaining long-term valued relationships with both local and international breeders.

Date of birth: 28.07.2007.

HKS HR 16355 RW
  • eye color: 1b
  • HD: Frei
  • ED: Frei
FCI Certificat of HD and ED
  • Height: 66cm
  • ZTP
  • IPO 1


I. generation II. generation III. generation IV. generation
Waro von Hause Sommer Balou vom Silberblick Jackomo von der Bleichstrasse Noris vom Grüntenblick
Bea von der Bleichstrasse
Afra vom Bevertal Carlo vom Hamburger Michel
Aggi von den Furstenwiesen
Abby Von Hause Sommer Henry Vom Hirschenrangen Doc von der Teufelsbrücke
Della vom Hirschenrangen
Oxana Von Junipera Flash vom Wolfert Turm
Cora Von Zimmerplatz
Volga od DragicevicaV RATED Volga od Dragicevica Odo Od Dragicevica Mambo von der Crossener Rick von Burgthann
Evi von der Crossener
Hera od Dragicevica Odo von der Flugschneise

Bessy von Haus Krammer

Hajdi Od Dragicevica Odo von der Flugschneise Hero von Hohegeiss
Lady von der Flugschneise

Bessy von Haus Krammer

Gil von Burgthann
Beyra von Hankos


Date of show Status Show name Judge Class Result Number of dogs in class Number of dogs on the show (same sex / all)
29.04.2012 Speciality IFR World Show 2012
Uwe Petermann / Christian Bernbacher / Antonio Rojo / Vinicio Italo di Paolo Champion class неяв., 5 50 / 82
21.08.2010 Speciality ADRK Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2010 (Coesfeld)
Jurgen Wulff / Dieter Hoffmann / Frank Hedtke / Helmut Weiler Champion class неявка, 29 196 / 452
07.05.2010 International (CACIB) VDH-Europasieger-Show 2010
Helmut Weiler / Edgar Hellmann Working class 001, V
Best Male, BOB
4 18 / 38
08.11.2009 International (CACIB) World Dog Show 2009
Hans Bierwolf / Jan Gajewski Working class б/м, V 4 16 / 32
22.08.2009 Speciality ADRK Klubsiegerzuchtschau 2009 (Oeding)
Open class неявка, 40 237 / 468
02.05.2009 International (CACIB) VDH-Europasieger-Show 2009
Dieter Hoffmann / Jurgen Wulff Intermedia class 002, V 4 18 / 38