Racko of Torma House

Racko of Torma house is a Serbian bred dog who later got sold to a kennel in Holland and comes to use by importation of Frozen Semen.  We have acquired over a half a dozen breeding units to ensure he sires a few litters with various females in our kennel. He has done very well in the show circuit in Serbia and Hungary.  We will no doubt be anticipating using this stud in our program and expect big bone with strong head type rottweilers. This dog has a very interesting pedigree and includes some of the foundation dogs of the infamous Timitor Kennel.   Introducing this stud into our breeding program will further provide us with extraordinary working bloodlines that will maintain the drive and temperament attributes in the Sydney Rottweilers we endeavor producing and providing to the Australian market.  Australian Rottweilers have over the years lost alot of great attributes we love about the breed including but not limited to bone and substance, strong head and especially height in males.

Date of birth: 11.06.2019.

  • eye color: 1b
  • HD: free(A)
  • ED: +/-
  • Certificat of HD and ED
  • DNA
  • Height: 68cm
  • Muzzle: 8,5 cm


S: Tks Ivan The Great
TK'S Ivan the Great
Vikko Della Val Di Noto Fantom Della Val Di Noto
Carla of Nicolas Lion
TKs Black Star Uzi Flash Rouse
Handa Black Allusion
D: Josephine of Torma House
Ronaldo Vom Hause Zizakov Lex Vom Hause Edelstein
Herta Vom Hause Zizakov
Fiesta Timit-Tor Rex Timi-tor
Fortuna of Damnjanovica



Date Location Grade Class Judge